Torgesen Family Times

{We are trying to enjoy and record the moments that make life special}
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6 months old today

Dear Alex,

What a wonderful day today - 6 mo old! I can't believe it! Thinking back to the day you were born and all of the adventures we've had. You were so small with tiny little long fingers and wonderfully long eyelashes, even back then. Actually, I remember watching your eyelashes grow. You weren't born with SUCH long lashes, they grew in in the first weeks and since I was studying you all day (every day) I could see such small changes. You were so quiet back then... just sleeping and eating. All that eating sure helped you gain weight. You used to not have very many cheeks (face cheeks and butt cheeks). Now you have a very round bottom thanks to your Mama's wonderful milk. You went from 5 lbs 2 oz to ~16 1/2 lbs of the course of 6 months.

You hit your crying stages around 2 months old and your Mama and Daddy thought that it would never end. I remember how difficult it was with Mastitis and Thrush and now that seems like a distant memory. I'm so glad that I stuck with Breastfeeding - it is working out quite well, now. I remember thinking and understanding why some people give up. It was tough - but, we got through it together.

Then around 3-4 mo old - you "woke up" and started interacting and playing with me more and more. We had such fun days. It was summer time and we got out and met new friends. We went in the stroller around the neighborhood and you loved to look around.

Now it is September and the weather is turning into Fall. You are such an active boy! We love how you are so active and always wanting to do things.

I'm back to work and although things are busy - we are making it all work. Although, our choices on how we spend our time are much different than before you were born. (hard to understand what we did with our time before???)

Well - happy half birthday - my love! You are our sunshine!


Your Mama & Daddy