Torgesen Family Times

{We are trying to enjoy and record the moments that make life special}
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Happy Halloween!


Here are my little Trick-Or-Treaters!  Happy Halloween!


We had fun dressing up in every costume that we have.  We had a “fashion show” where we put on all the costumes and I took pictures of each of them in each costume. 



Wonder Woman

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Captain America

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Super Alex

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Mr. Incredible

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Batman (from last year)

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Super Girl!

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Sara loves her boots!  She goes out to the shoe bins and picks these out to wear and brings them to us to put them on.  All the while saying, boots, boots, boots.  She’s trying to put them on herself, which sometimes she can do all by herself. 


I saw these at consignment and could not pass them up, I mean, come on!  Purple rain boots!  No way!  Done!



Sara putting on boots-2 blog


Sara putting on boots-4 blog


Sara putting on boots-6 blog

Pumpkin patch






So much fun!


Pumpkin patch 2011-4 blog


Pumpkin patch 2011-6 blog


Pumpkin patch 2011-17 blog


Pumpkin patch 2011-21 blog


Pumpkin patch 2011-24 blog


Pumpkin patch 2011-27 blog


Pumpkin patch 2011-31 blog


Pumpkin patch 2011-35 blog


Pumpkin patch 2011-42 blog


Pumpkin patch 2011-54 blog


Pumpkin patch 2011-59 blog


Pumpkin patch 2011-70 blog

Sara’s 18 months stats




We’ve got a girl who is off the charts!  (surprise!)


35” tall (~125th%)


24 lbs 8 oz (75th%)


And looking so grown up all of a sudden. She nods “yes” when I ask her a question. Sometimes when she’s really tired (before her official bedtime) and I ask her if she wants to go to bed, she nods yes, whimpers a bit, and says “night-night”. A sure sign of a tired girl. Her favorite food is still banana.


I had to buy her some new clothes lately, 18mo was too tight and more like a half shirt that always showed her belly button and was too tight to put over her head.  2T size was not much better.  So, 3T it is!  I bought her some new pjs (size 3T), knowing they would probably be baggy for a bit.  They FIT!  She’s 18 months old, this is crazy!  But, 3T it is, for shirts and pj’s at least!  We have to roll up the sleeves a bit, but the rest fits just fine.  She’s still in 2T pants, thank goodness.  3T would fit her, but they are just too long.  It’s amazing to look ahead like that (and know how this goes, having gone through it with Alex).  The only real difference from 2T to 3T is in height (or length) of pant legs or shirt arms.  Their little bodies just start stretching up and up and up.


She is letting her personality shine at preschool and has come out of her shell.  She has friends, likes her teachers, loves having her brother at the same school, and is generally happy and smiley.  It does take her quite a while to warm up to people, but once she does, she is connected.  We had a date night not long ago and she went to play with Nanny Melanie and Renee.  I said we were going to see Melanie and Nay-nay on the drive over, so she could get excited.  When Melanie opened the door – she ran and gave her the BIGGEST hug!  It was so heartwarming!   And she didn’t let go for a long time!  She missed them so much.  We are going to make a point for her to seem them from time to time, it is very important to us.


She is still (mostly) so easy going, although she does have her rough times (don’t we all!).  She is getting to be a little dare-devil, just like brother (learning from brother?).  But, she has a different way about it.  She’ll climb up on the coffee table and wait for you to come and get close enough (comfortable distance enough) for her to “jump” off and into our arms.  Alex was such a dare-devil he would climb up, and leap before you even could possibly think what he was going to do. 


Her hair is getting pretty long and I bought some clips to keep the hair out of her eyes.  Lance asked, why don’t we just cut it?  I quickly said to get that nasty though right out of his mind and never bring it up again!  She’s a girl and we’re going to let her hair (glorious curls and all) grow for quite a while, thank you. 


She knows so many words now and understands so much!  I ask her questions, tell her things (like take this toy and put it in the basket, and she knows what that means) and she understands most of it, it seems.  She has a large vocabulary, like body parts (eyes, ears, nose, chin, cheeks, knee, toes, fingers, belly button, hair, feet, and the cutest one of all – elbow.  She can very easily tell me if she wants more food (mo’) or milk (mil) or if she’s all done.  Her favorite word right now by far is brother (brudder).  Every night when we are going to sleep, we say night night to everyone. 


She started this herself…  I have just followed.


Night night brother.  Night night Dada.  Night night Mama.  Night night Bella.  Night night Rock. 


We often include others, like grandmas and grandpas, grass and soccer balls, playgrounds and friends, teachers and stars, the moon and stuffed animals (“Bobo” the monkey, bear, teddy, owl, and “Moo” the cow). 


There is just so much I can write about her, but I will stop for now. 





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Soccer Saturday-24 blog

Washington, D.C.


I had an opportunity while traveling for a work conference to do a bit of site-seeing – Washington DC is so cool!  I can’t wait to take the kids there when they’re older.  The White House is not as big as you would think.  Pretty cool!  I took a big circle walking from downtown to the White House, around to the WWII memorial, the new MLK memorial, the Lincoln, Vietnam memorials.  Whew!  It’s a longer walk then you would think – by the end of my walk I was so thirsty and had probably walked 4-5 miles!



North White House


South Lawn – White House


The Washington monument is HUGE and you can see it above everything in the city. 





I made a point to see the new Martin Luther King Memorial and WOW – it is amazing!  Especially in these times with wars, injustices, human rights issues, etc. 




Behind the sculpture of MLK is all these sayings he said – I particularly liked this one. 



“I oppose the war in Vietnam because I love America.  I speak out against it not in anger but with anxiety and sorrow in my heart, and above all with a passionate desire to see our beloved country stand as a moral example of the world.”  California 1967


Just take out Vietnam and replace it with Iraq/Afghanistan…







and of course – the Lincoln memorial is Grand.  Stunning.  Amazing!



The reflecting pool is being renovated and is all torn up, someday I want to see it full with water.




The Vietnam Memorial is so elegant and subtle.  It looks so plain until you walk by it and see all the 59,000 names…  and then it hits you.  Being a mother now sure has changed the way it struck me.  Last time I saw this I was pregnant with Alex, but he was still in my tummy…




I saw the most amazing sunsets going back and forth across the country outside the window of my plane.



Mt. Reindeer




Alex has asked what it is called lots of times, but it was just too cute when we saw it at the beach a while ago.


I give you…


Mt. Reindeer


the beach-7-1 blog

I am your…, you are my…






