Torgesen Family Times

{We are trying to enjoy and record the moments that make life special}
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Beach house 2

Mama wanted to walk a little bit more down the beach than I could walk, so she strapped me on her back. But, after a while, I just couldn't stand it anymore! I wanted to get down on the sand again and walk for myself.

Oh! It was my 1st birthday down there. But, here's the bummer. I was pretty sick on my actual birthday. How rude is that? Sick on your first and only birthday so far? Well, it's a good thing we celebrated early while Grandma was there. I had chocolate frosting on a yellow cake, they sang me a song and I got this great balloon.

Here is the full rain slicker. It sure kept me warm and cozy.

I loved playing with everything you could find on a beach. Here is me with a stick. I also loved rocks, sand, driftwood, and watching the dogs.

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