Torgesen Family Times

{We are trying to enjoy and record the moments that make life special}
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Guess who’s potty training???




Sara was flirting with the idea back in Feb/March, but still not ready yet.  She would tell us when she was going and that was definitely one of the necessary pieces to be ready, but still just flirting with the idea.  I was getting excited, not at all to rush her – but because I could see that we were on the downhill slide of diapers in our household.  I could see the end in sight!  At long last! 


Sara trying the potty-17 blog



I still can’t quite believe it, but it’s true!   She’s only ~ 2 years 3 months old, but she’s doing it! 




And when I mean doing it – I mean doing it all!  Going pee and poop in the potty.  Not by any means perfect, but pretty gosh darn good if you ask me!  During the day at school – she had some totally normal accidents right at first (I think this is how kids actually learn it all anyways), but after a day or two – she now goes in panties all day at school, even during naps and comes home dry and in the same underwear. 



Her teacher was the one that was telling us that she thought she was ready and anytime we were ready, just send her in panties and they will go for it!  At first, I just couldn’t believe it!  No way could a 2 yr 3mo old be “ready”.  But, after a few weeks, we decided to try it.  Plus, I was just not that ready for all the work of dropping everything (fast!) when your kiddo says she has to pee. 



So, both the parents and the kid have to be ready, not just one or the other.


I’m glad we went for it because it is going along very nicely.


Sara on the potty-1 blog