Torgesen Family Times

{We are trying to enjoy and record the moments that make life special}
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Growing so fast…

Last night when I walked in the front door, I forgot all about it – even though I was reminded (many times) just that morning.


T-ball has started.

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And – my boy is growing up so fast! 


The look on my face apparently said everything to Lance -


choke, gulpWhat happened to my little boy?  Where did he go?  Who is this big boy who looks so grown up, wearing a baseball hat? 



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The Woodinville River cats will be practicing on Monday and Saturday afternoons, with games starting in April.  Alex is SO excited.


He also likes to wear his baseball hat “like Daddy does when he’s driving the boat” backwards.


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Sara even got to try on the baseball cap.  And she’s showing off her favorite new thing to carry around everywhere (even to sleep).  A marker.  Sometimes she even taps them together to make a musical beat.  And she loves it when I pretend to eat it – it just cracks her up!


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And she gets to wear it backwards too, of course.


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I distinctly remember the last time I felt this way – Alex was about 1.5 years old and standing up against a tree.  We were outside and I was snapping pictures.  It was a lovely November day. When I got inside and uploaded the pictures, he suddenly looked so grown up compared to what I had seen him as before. 


Wait a second here – what happened to my little baby/toddler? 

Playing in the yard with Mama (10)

This photo below was taken the same day – he just looks so much younger to me!

Playing in the yard with Mama (7)