Torgesen Family Times

{We are trying to enjoy and record the moments that make life special}
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2010–looking back


1). What was the best thing that happened to you?

Both: Sara’s birth and her joining our family.  Our family is complete.


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2). What was the most challenging thing that happened to you?

Allison: Balancing two kids, two full time jobs, time for ourselves and time together.  Something’s gotta give!

Lance: When Alex was in the ER with apparent appendicitis and I was in San Francisco on business

3). What was an unexpected joy?

Allison: The boat (trust me on this – this was totally unexpected for me!)

Lance: trip to Leavenworth was much more fun than I thought

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4). What was an unexpected obstacle?

Both: Changing care for our kids more than expected

5). Pick three words to describe your 2010

Allison: adjust/balance/delegate

Lance: tired/rewarding/no-time

6). Pick three words your spouse would use to describe you

Allison:  strong/caring/planner

Lance: tired/supportive/provider

7). Pick three words you would use to describe your spouse

Lance about Allison: tireless/dedicated/motherly

Allison about Lance: busy/stressed/no-time

8). What was your biggest personal change?

Both: Adjusting our life with two kids

9). What was your most enjoyable part of your work (at home and at work)?

Allison: teaching Alex things, laughing, playing outside and being QC lead for a project at work

Lance: playing with the kids, getting multiple raises

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10). What was your most challenging part of your work (at home and at work)?

Allison: lowering expectations, trying to “do it all” and returning to work after maternity leave

Lance: dealing with mood swings from kids, working late into the night for deadlines

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11). What was your biggest time waster?

Allison: computer, facebook, reading blogs

Lance: iPad “research”, channel surfing

12). What was the best way you spent your time?

Both: playing with kids, games, talking, together time

Allison: taking pictures, cooking for family

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13). What was the biggest thing you learned this past year?

Allison: that I can’t “do it all” – not even close!  I’m stronger than I thought I was.  Trusting my instincts as a mother.

Lance: Can’t be the perfect Dad all the time

14). What word, phrase or statement best describes 2010 for you?

Allison: Adjust

Lance: Sara

Next up – goals for 2011!  And beyond.


Michelle R. Slape said...

Such a great reflection on your year. :)